To be eligible:
- Price Match requests must be made BEFORE placing your order
- The competing product must be the exact same including color, size, year, part number, etc.
- The competing website must be a valid/authorized U.S. dealer
- The competing website must list prices, including shipping\handling, taxes, etc. in U.S. dollars
- Price matching is for the total cost of the item including shipping/handling, taxes, and any other related fees
Exclusions (including, but not limited to):
- Any items that are closeout/backorder/clearance items
- Blemished or scratch and dent Products with Manufacturer Advertised Price (MAP) policies
- Competitor coupons
- Verbal discounts or emailed discounts eBay, Amazon, Walmart, and other e-commerce/discount marketplaces
- The price match will exclude you from any additional discounts or offer codes on an order
- Low price guarantee program can be discontinued, changed, or refused at any time by Devil Dog Depot’s sole discretion