5th Marines Regiment USMC Patch


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Our 5th Marine Regiment Patch is made of the highest quality materials and is great for caps, jackets, vests and more!

The 5th Marine Regiment (also referred to as “5th Marines”) is an infantry regiment of the United States Marine Corps based at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. It is the most highly decorated regiment in the Marine Corps and falls under the command of the 1st Marine Division and the I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF).

A portion of all proceeds support KIA Honor Flag Organization, POW *MIA and Wounded Warrior Function and Families Across America.

5th Marines Regiment Marine Corps Patch Features

  • 5th Marines Regiment USMC Patch
  • Iron-on Adhesive Backing
  • Patch Size: 3.75″
  • Fast Shipping!

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton and MCAS Camp Pendleton

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton is located on the Southern California coast in San Diego County. It’s a significant West Coast base of the USMC. 

Founded in 1942 for training U.S. Marines during World War II, it became a permanent installation by 1944. Named after Major General Joseph Henry Pendleton, an advocate for a West Coast Marine Corps training facility, Camp Pendleton now hosts various Operating Force units, including the I Marine Expeditionary Force and numerous training commands.

The history of Camp Pendleton dates back to a Spanish expedition in 1769, with the land later becoming part of the Mission San Luis Rey and subsequently the Rancho Santa Margarita y Las Flores under private ownership. The ranch’s cattle brand design is incorporated into the base’s logo.

During World War II, the base expanded rapidly, housing several training schools and serving as a discharge base post-war. In subsequent years, Camp Pendleton played a pivotal role in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Today, the base spans over 125,000 acres, offering diverse geography for training Marines and other U.S. military branches. Its historical and operational significance continues, balancing military readiness with cultural and environmental preservation.

Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton, or MCAS Camp Pendleton, a key component of the base, was commissioned in 1942 and is currently home to Marine Aircraft Group 39. Known as Munn Field, honoring Lieutenant General John C. “Toby” Munn, the air station began as an auxiliary landing field and evolved over time. MCAS Camp Pendleton has expanded to support a variety of helicopter and tilt-rotor squadrons, including Marine Light Attack Helicopter and Marine Medium Tilt-rotor squadrons. This air station plays a vital role in supporting over 180 helicopters and various units, reflecting the increasing importance of aviation in Marine Corps tactics.